mardi 11 mars 2014

Le paquebot Orcades de la P and O

Orcades P and O-Orient Lines - Construit en/Built 1948 par/by Vickers-Armstrongs, Barrow, England - Gross tons 28164 - Longueur/Length 216m/709ft - Vitesse/Speed 22 nœuds/kn - Largeur/Width 27m/90ft - Tirant d'eau/Depth 9m/30ft Puissance/Power 42500 cv/shp - Propulsion: Steam turbines twin screw (vapeur deux hélices) - Passengers: 631 First 734 Tourist - Retiré/Laid up 1972, Démoli/scrapped 1973.

Après la fusion de 1960 entre Peninsular and Oriental (P and O) et Orient Lines, la nouvelle compagnie se trouvait à la tête d'une des plus larges flottes de paquebots transatlantiques du monde. L'Orient Line y avait contribué avec trois des plus modernes liners de l'époque, Orcades, Oronsay et Orsova.

Following their 1960 merger, the combined PandO and Orient Lines had the largest fleet of ocean liners on earth. The Orient Line contributed three of the most modern looking liners of their day, the Orcades, Oronsay and Orsova. P and O followed the pre-war design of their popular Strath-class liners with few modifications, resulting in the Himalaya, Chusan and near-sisters Arcadia and Iberia.

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