En 1979, l'URSS publie une série de timbres en l'honneur de savants, cosmonautes et instituts scientifiques ayant donné leurs noms à des navires spécialisés. Nous publierons ceux en notre possession en quatre épisodes.
Commençons par deux cosmonautes et une institution.
In 1960, as the Soviet space program was just taking off, a number of sea-based measurement stations were added to the NIP network. These stations were deployed onboard three oceangoing ships, named Krasnodar, Ilichevsk and Dolinsk. V.G. Bezborodov, the First Rank Captain, became the first chief of this command and control fleet. During 1965 and 1966, Bezhitsa and Ristna command and control ships replaced older Krasnodar and Ilichevsk. Five brand-new ships joined the command and control fleet in 1967: Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov, Kegostrov, Morzhovets, Nevel and Borovichi.
Two more ships joined fleet in 1970: Academik Sergei Korolev and Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
Four ships enter service in 1975: Cosmonaut Pavel Belyaev, Cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov, Cosmonaut Georgi Dobrovolskiy and Cosmonaut Viktor Patsaev.
En 1960, au début du programme spatiale soviétique, des bases de mesure télémétrique et d'observation radio-satellitaire furent installés sur trois navires de recherche océanographiques pour compléter le réseau terrestre. C'était les Krasnodar, Ilichevsk et Dolinsk. Le V.G. Bezborodov devenant le navire-amiral de cette flotte de commandement et contrôle aérospatiaux. En 1965-1966, les deux premiers furent remplacés par les Bezhitsa et Ristna. Cinq nouvelles et modernes unités les rejoignent en 1967, ils portent les noms des cosmonautes et scientifiques Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov, Kegostrov, Morzhovets, Nevel et Borovichi. Academik Sergei Korolev et Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin viennent les appuyer en 1970. Quatre autres, portant des noms de cosmonautes, Cosmonaut Pavel Belyaev, Cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov, Cosmonaut Georgi Dobrovolskiy et Cosmonaut Viktor Patsaev complètent la flotte en 1975.
Two more ships joined fleet in 1970: Academik Sergei Korolev and Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
Four ships enter service in 1975: Cosmonaut Pavel Belyaev, Cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov, Cosmonaut Georgi Dobrovolskiy and Cosmonaut Viktor Patsaev.

Soviet tracking ship m/s Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was a Soviet space control-monitoring ship that was devoted to detecting and receiving satellite communications. Named after Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, she was completed in December 1971 to support the Soviet space program. The ship also conducted upper atmosphere and outer space research. It had very distinguishable looks due to two extremely large and two smaller parabolic "dish" antennas placed on top of the hull. In Soviet times, the Kosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the world's largest communications ship and was the flagship of a fleet of communications ships. These ships greatly extended the tracking range when the orbits of cosmonauts and unmanned missions were not over the USSR.

Soviet tracking ship m/s Cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov was a Soviet space control-monitoring ship that was devoted to detecting and receiving satellite communications (see above).
Continuons par des navires de la Flotte de recherche marine de l'Académie des sciences, appartenant au département de la flotte d'Extrême-Orient du centre d'études scientifiques de l'académie des sciences d'URSS, créée en 1973, composée de trois navires (il en possède vingt aujourd'hui sous pavillon russe).
The Marine Research Fleet was originally established as a Department of the Far East Science Center of the Academy of Sciences in 1973, with only three vessels at its disposal. Today it is an independent organization with 20 modern research vessels of various classes and ocean-going capabilities. These vessels are organized into three main groups based on their structure and technical parameters: multipurpose vessels with unlimited geographic range, vessels with limited geographic range, and regional or local coastal vessels.

Vulkanolog a été nommé en l'honneur de l'académie de vulcanologie. Construit en Russie. Voir caractéristiques ci-dessous.
1614 Class ship, built by Russian shipyards.
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1 commentaire:
déplacement 37 500 toones 45 000 en pleine charge
dimensions:longueur 236 mètres largeur 30,8 mètres,tirant d'eau 10,2mètres
propulsion turbo électrique 19 000 cv 2 hèlices 18 noeuds
Construit sur la coque d'un pétrolier du type SOFIYA
radars Don Kay;2antennes paraboliques de 27m de diamètre et 2antennes paraboliques de 12,5 m
système de télémesure Quad Ring et Twin Spring
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